What Will You Learn and Practice On?
Congratulations! You have overcome the hurdles to be licensed as a loan originator. You have chosen a most rewarding career.
We are here to provide you the right training to succeed. We provide you with the real-life practice and support to reach your goals with our step-by-step process on how to close a loan application package.
Through your studies, you have learned how much stricter the rules and regulations of the mortgage business have become. You may also feel anxious about the complexity of lending guidelines and requirements.
You will learn 20 different guidelines and requirements that affect the loan approval. Each lending requirement is covered in 3-5 instructional videos. What are the essential documents to comply with each requirement and how to select the loan program according to the loan scenario.
Basic Lending Guidelines Training
Group A - 85%
1. Credit Scores (FICO)
2. Debts Ratios
3. Borrower & Co-Borrower
4. Purchase or Refinance
5. Subject Property
6. Owner or Non-Owner
7. Citizens or Foreigners
8. Type of Property
9. Loan Amount - Conforming or Jumbo
10. Loan to Value (LTV)
11. Loan Term
12. Interest Rate
13. Loan Program
14. Employment
15. Income
16. Assets
17. R/E Schedule
Group B - 15%
18. Appraisal
19. Title
20. Escrow